From Bricks to Building: 5 Tips for looking for the perfect school location in Hong Kong

Either it is about choosing the right material or researching into legal terms, here at Greyscale we understand that pinpointing the right direction for each project is key to realize your vision. From our research and experience we are bringing in some tips on choosing the perfect premise for your future schools.

 Whether it is a kindergarten, primary or secondary school, higher education, planning a school requires the foundation of a pedagogical approach and looking into the space requirement based on the pedagogy.  From the number of classrooms, number of special rooms to the ratio between teaching space and non-teaching spaces, outdoor spatial requirement, a detailed review of your school operation determines what kind of premise fits best to your need. Just as there is no one size that fits it all, neither is there a model school fits into any set curriculum.  

I’ve found a space. How do I know if this location is suitable for my school?  

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 1.      Location , Location , Location.

As the old saying goes, location, location, location. Picking the right location for a school is critical that it meets regulatory criteria. School cannot be located in any residential unit, factory, warehouse or cinema building. A school premises should also be free from any unauthorized building works.

2.      Ensure the land zoning is suitable.

All land in Hong Kong are zoned in areas within the boundaries of the Outline Zoning Plan which specific usage are “Always Permitted” by the Hong Kong Town Planning Board. School falls under Government, institution or community uses and shall be under “Always Permitted” category under the Outline Zoning Plan. Other details or specified restrictions shall be looked at as well with our team of professionals.

3.     Check the Land lease restriction.

Lastly, as straightforward as it sounds, reading the lease documents helps to identify any specific restrictions to school usage, if any,

The above fundamental requirements shall be checked against with detail assessment of the suitability of the premises for school usage.  

4. Building Requirement

Are there any basic building requirements I can start checking?

 Yes! Here are some key building regulatory requirements:

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a.      A school cannot be located in residential unit, factory and warehouse.  

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b.      A school has cannot be located higher than 24m .

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c.      A kindergarten cannot be located higher than 12m. 

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d.      Dependent on the type and the location of the premises sufficient number of exits shall be provided and dedicated egress staircase is also required.  

 5. Operational requirement

A few other operational elements also to look out for in an ideal school premises, amount of natural light, outdoor play areas, access to sports facilities nearby, accessibility from public transportation, competitive landscape and many more. We provide a detail site analysis on potential location that helps you make the right decision.

The road in finding the perfect school premises starts and continues from these 5 key steps. We are happy to have a chat with you if you are seeking a partner on this journey in finding the right premises.  

Stay tuned for next newsletter, we will dive into finding the right place for your school in a more global scale, make sure you keep your eye peeled!

Source : 5 Tips for looking for the perfect school location in Hong Kong

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